The Fight Read online

Page 3

  Cloud my judgment…what the fuck?

  Chapter 3

  Two Weeks Later

  What the hell, oh no she didn’t!!!

  Having woken up way too early, I decided to pull out my Kindle and check out the latest releases. My Amazon account notified me of a new author I had never heard of and thought I’d 1-click her first book Letting Go…holy shit, I’m hooked, this woman is crazy good. Author J. M. Witt is a genius and there was no way I was putting the Kindle down until I was finished.

  Tossing my reading device to the end of my bed, I cross my arms over my chest and pout. How could she end the book like that? Oh my God, it was amazing but that ending. Not a crazy ass cliffhanger, but, wow, I want more.

  So good!

  Reaching toward the end of my bed, I quickly grab my little electronic bundle of joy and look up the rest of the Anchored Hearts Series. Hitting 1-click one too many times, I feel giddy about reading the rest of the stories as I watch them download across the screen.

  If I could sculpt my perfect man, I would create a real life JB3. He’s everything a woman wants in a man, charismatic, devoted, hot as hell and swoon…a master in the bedroom. Be still my heart, I think I’m in love with a fictional boyfriend.

  Staring off into space imaging my perfect man, I snap out of it as the scent of coffee hits my senses.

  “Shit, what time is it anyway?” I mutter to myself, looking over to the alarm clock on my bedside table.

  Sheesh it’s already after nine o’clock, I need to get my ass in gear and start on my day. It may only be Sunday, but I can’t bear to have another lazy morning around this house.

  I’ve been home for just about two weeks and feel like I’ve gotten nothing accomplished, other than spending time with my parents. Time sure flies by when you’re having fun. Mama and I have done up the town for the past few afternoons and, honestly, I’m pampered out…if that’s even possible. I’m glad she took some time off work to spend with me, but I’m also looking forward to her going back to work tomorrow. Girl time is great and all, I just need a breather to chill and relax in my new surroundings. Not to mention I have to find a job and need to get into the Cage sooner than later.

  As much as I want to go to Daddy’s gym, I also know I’ll have to face the guys. I’ve been trying to keep my distance from anyone outside the walls of this house, especially Mike. Through numerous phone calls and texts, he’s done nothing but push the point of him taking me out. It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with him, or Trenton for that matter, it’s just that they both want more than I’m willing to give right now.

  My mind is foggy and I really don’t know what I want. I haven’t been in an actual relationship, well ever. Getting involved with someone always seemed like more of a chore than a good time. Now that I’m done with college I want to find myself, the real me and the person I want to be moving forward.

  Mike and Trenton are like family, like brothers, and I don’t know that I can take a step and be more with either of them. I mean seriously, how weird would it be for me to start dating one of them and not the other? Wouldn’t that cause friction in their friendship? We’ve always been close; it’s been this way between the three of us for as long as I can remember. Growing up with the two of them by my side has been great; I wouldn’t give up our friendship for the world. I just wish I knew in my heart what I wanted… all I feel is the void for the one that will never give me the time of day.

  Damn Hank and the way he sneaks his way into my thoughts. I need to focus and start my day, but first things first…I need my fix.

  Tossing the covers off of my legs, I move to stand from my bed. Looking around my childhood bedroom, Mama and Daddy sure fixed it up for me. No longer is there a canopy bed centered in the room, instead there’s a wrought iron sleigh bed with deep red bedding. New curtains have been hung and a fresh coat of paint added to the decorative walls. A sense of happiness fills my heart knowing how excited they are to have me back home. As much as I want to start a life of my own and move into a place that I can call home, I think I’ll live it up here for a bit while I can.

  Pulling my robe over top of my pajamas, I make my way out of my room and downstairs. I’m in desperate need of caffeine and a mug of coffee is calling my name.

  As I step into the kitchen, I see my parents sitting down along the breakfast bar reading the paper.

  “Morning,” I cheerfully interrupt.

  Turning on their swivel bar stools, they flash smiles in my direction.

  “Morning, princess, did you sleep well?” Daddy asks moving from his spot, gesturing for me to take a seat.

  Nodding, I move into his stool.

  “I did thanks. I got up a bit early and decided to read for a bit before coming down. A few minutes turned into a few hours and before I knew it the book was over,” I remark with a pout.

  “It was that good, huh?” Mama asks, her eyebrows raised.

  “So good, I haven’t read for fun in a long time. I needed to dive into something that would suck me in.”

  With a smile, she winks at me.

  “Something I’d like?” she asks.

  Scrunching my nose, I shake my head. Eww, the thought of my mom reading a book with sex kind of turns my stomach…blah! She begins to laugh before taking a sip of her coffee.

  “You know, Taryn, I can read sexy books, too.”

  Swatting at her shoulder I roll my eyes.

  “Oh God, Mama, don’t start. I don’t want to know…ugh, please don’t. If you want to read the book, it’s amazing, just don’t talk to me about sex or anything else like that…gross.”

  I look up to my dad and see his cheeks flush. Dear God, someone transport me out of this conversation before the mental images take over. Sensing the uncomfortable tension in the kitchen, Mama releases a giggle and rubs her fingertips down my back.

  “Okay enough about that, what’s on the agenda for today?” she asks.

  “Hmm, I’m not sure, but I do know that I need to get into a better routine. I have to start searching for a job tomorrow and want to get into the Cage at some point this week.”

  Mama reaches over and places her hand on top of mine.

  “Taryn, you’ve just finished college and worked yourself crazy hard for four years. Take some time and enjoy your freedom.”

  Looking into her dark brown eyes, I smile.

  “Mama, I’ve been home for two weeks. You’ve treated me to everything imaginable the past few days, believe me, I’m enjoying my freedom. To be honest, I’m getting kind of restless. I need to get out and do something productive; heading over to the Cage is on my hit list of things to do right away.”

  Holding my breath, I look to my father. I know he must think I’m nuts, but, hell, I can train too.

  “Taryn,” he says with a questionable glare.

  “Daddy, don’t go all caveman on me. I’m sure there are plenty of women that come into the gym on a daily basis.”

  My mom wraps her arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close to her warm body.

  “Birch, I think it’s a great idea and just think of it as a way to spend more time with your little girl.”

  Looking between my mom and me, he shakes his head before pouring me a mug of coffee.

  “Daddy, come on, I’m a grown woman. I can totally do this.”

  Setting the mug down in front of me, he leans his elbows onto the counter.

  “There’s no doubt in my mind that you can do this, I’ve always encouraged you to do what you want. It’s just that…”

  Giving him a scowl, I stare into his light brown eyes.

  “Just what, Daddy?”

  Lifting himself from the counter top he pushes back and crosses his arms along his broad chest.

  “Nothing…nothing at all. If you want to train, I’ll make sure to have my best coach along side of you.”

  Bouncing off the stool, I round the bar and wrap my arms around my father’s waist.

  “Thank you, Daddy, I p
romise I won’t let you down. I’ll work really hard and listen to Coach’s every instruction.”

  “Mmhhmm,” he mutters while placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

  Turning to look back at Mama, I see she has a brilliant smile spread across her face.

  “Just a few rules before you step into my gym, young lady.”

  Pivoting on my heels, I look to face a stern expression. Swallowing the lump now forming in my throat, I nod waiting for his word.

  “I’ll allow you to train at the Cage under a few conditions. While you are there, you only speak to your coach. The men training right now are prepping for their upcoming fights. They don’t need the distraction of a beautiful blonde when their focus in on the cage. Secondly, this training won’t come to you for free. My accountant is about to take maternity leave and I could use some mathematical expertise in her absence.”

  He pauses and raises his brows, watching my every move. My feet are firmly planted on the kitchen tile, my eyes glued to his.

  Did Daddy just offer me a job? Could I work at the Cage with him? Will I be able to train and work there knowing that the guys are there as well?

  “Taryn?” His deep voice echoes through my ears.

  Snapping out of my thoughts, I rattle my brain and focus.

  “Yeah, I heard every word, but, Daddy? Are you asking me to work at the gym as your accountant?”

  Lifting his hand onto my shoulder, he gently squeezes.

  “You up for the challenge, princess? Marta is going out and, to be honest, I don’t know if she’ll be returning after the baby is born. It would be nice to know I have a skilled accountant to take over and, who knows, if things work out you can take over full time.”

  My jaw drops open, I’m shocked. Never in a million years did I expect him to want me working with him, for him.

  “Daddy, that’s amazing thank you.” I wrap my arms around his waist again and hug him tightly.

  “You’re welcome, baby girl. I expect you to train as hard as you can and work as a professional. I don’t mind putting you on the books and making you a salaried employee but you have to earn it.”

  Leaning back, I step away from him.

  “I swear I won’t let you down.”

  “Good girl, now sit down and drink your coffee before it gets cold.”

  Taking a step back, I listen to his direction and drink in a sip of my delicious vice.

  “So I guess that means there’s no need for a job search tomorrow,” Mama squeals as she claps her hands in excitement.

  For the next half hour, the three of us enjoy coffee and bagels while we discuss my upcoming training and work schedule. I know this job isn’t permanent…yet. Just an entry level job to get my feet wet. If nothing else, it will give me the experience to land something bigger down the road.

  I can totally do this.

  Chapter 4

  Pushing the key into the lock, I turn the door knob and enter my apartment. It’s early morning and I’m just getting back from pulling a shift at the docks. The past few hours were grueling and I wasn’t prepared for the work load. Shit, I’m never prepared for the assignment until it’s placed in front of me. It’s one thing I love about my job, I never know what I’m about to walk into until the foreman barks his orders. Hauling and loading hundreds of crates for this morning’s shipment was more work than I was anticipating for just a few hours. Between four of us, we kicked ass and got the job done with time to spare. Being a dock worker isn’t anything spectacular. It’s a decent job, good pay, and the manual labor helps keep me in top form when I’m not busting ass at the gym.

  Not heading off to college like the rest of my friends, I had no choice but to find a job that only required a high school diploma. The hours may suck, but I’m left on my own to get the work done and head out when I’ve finished the tasks for my shift. It’s nothing glamorous, but, hell, it’s a paycheck.

  Releasing a loud yawn, I’m tired, exhausted from the physical labor of the docks over the past few hours. My body is sore and all I want is to fall down onto my bed and close my eyes for a few hours’ sleep before I head to the Cage.

  As I walk through the large loft space, the rooms are faintly lit by the lights along the street. The sounds of snoring fade through the rooms as the high ceilings create an echo.

  Trenton, Mike, and I decided to move in together shortly after graduating high school. The three of us have been close all our lives and wanting to finally be on our own and get out of our parent’s houses, we took the plunge. Our apartment isn’t anything to boast about. It’s close to work, the Cage, and only a few extra minutes to our childhood neighborhood. It has everything we want; none of us need the frills of anything fancy, so this suits us all well.

  Usually this place is quiet, just me, myself, and I…now not so much. For the past few years, both Mike and Trenton made themselves scarce here in Brooklyn. I enjoyed the peace and quiet of our place while they were out and about visiting the woman of their dreams at NYU.

  Stupid idiots have been pining over her since we were kids. It’s dim-witted and something I’ve never wanted to get in the middle of, but since it’s her, my heart aches for what one of them may one day have.

  Focus Hank, she’s just a distraction.

  I try to remind myself that she’s nothing to me, never was, and never will be. She’s just an object that has been thrown into my life, with no cause or effect.

  Continuing to move through the apartment, I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and head to my room.

  Shedding myself of my clothes, I toss them to the floor and climb into bed. Without paying much attention, I set my cell alarm so that I don’t sleep in too long. I have a full training day tomorrow and I want to be on my best game.

  Big things are coming my way, I just have to focus and work harder than I ever have before. No person or distraction will stop me for what I want most of all…the win of the fight.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  The annoying sound of my alarm pulls me from my sleep. Wiping my fingers along my tired eyes, I reach for my cell and hit the screen. Another nine minutes of snooze should help me feel alive and awake. Closing my eyes, I quickly fall fast asleep.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  Rolling onto my side, I slam my fist into my pillow. That was the fastest nine minutes of my life.

  Fucking hell!

  As I reach for my cell the beeping stops and a ring starts to sound within the walls of my bedroom, alerting me of my brother’s call.

  “Yeah,” I rasp into the phone.

  “Wake up, dickhead, we’re all here waiting on you,” he booms through the line.

  Looking around my bedroom trying to focus on my surroundings, I pull the phone away from my ear to see the time.


  “Damn it, I didn’t realize I had slept in this long. I got called out to a mess on the docks last night and pulled in a few extra hours. I must have been too tired to realize the time I had set my alarm for.”

  “Train, dude, you need to be training,” Trenton barks in response.

  “Yeah, I get that but I have to pay the bills too, man. It would help if you gave me some rent money every now and then.”

  “Yea, yea, whatever, get your ass over here before we send Birch to get you. Oh, and by the way, there’s a pretty little surprise here that I’m sure will make you freak out.”

  “What…who?” I ask.

  “Never mind, just get your ass over here,” he responds and disconnects the call.

  Sitting up in my bed, I run the back of my hand over my eyes. Pulling an extra shift wasn’t in the plan, especially when I should have been at the gym hours ago.

  I kick the covers off of my legs, squirm my way out of the bed, and head towards the pisser.

  As I approach the back alleyway of the Cage, cars are filling the parking lot. This is peak season and far too many new additions are coming in to watch and train for the upcoming fights.

  Heading my
truck to my spot in the corner, I see a red Mercedes in its place.

  What the fuck, who the hell?

  A rush of adrenaline runs through my veins as I park my truck and head into the back door. Someone is about to learn a fast lesson to not take my spot.

  Walking through the dimly lit hallway, voices and sounds of equipment echo through the vast space. My eyes catch sight of Trenton and Mike along the far wall. Watching as they spot one another in free weight squats, I shake my head. These two are in constant competition with one another and, if I didn’t know better, neither will be up for the fight challenge at the end of the season.

  Each of us works our ass off in our own way, but these two clowns don’t have the heart and drive that it takes to become a champion. I’d like to think that it’s in my blood, but it’s not. Instead, it’s engraved in my head. I’ve wanted this for as long as I can remember. Being a fighter is one thing, but becoming a champion is where I strive to be.

  Stepping mere feet away from my two sidekicks, I catch their attention by tossing my bag onto the floor with a loud thump.

  While the guys trade positions, Trenton’s eyes stare into my own. He’s my fraternal twin, we look somewhat alike, but our eyes are the key to our brotherly bond. With sweat dripping down his face, his dark, brown eyes squint looking back to me.

  “Well, it’s about time,” he mutters.

  “Shut the fuck up, I’m here aren’t I?”

  As he walks away from Mike, who is now squatting more than he can handle, he claps me on the shoulder.

  “Go find Birch. He has a new regimen he’s starting for us this week and wants us to sit down with Dan for a coaching session.”

  Wait…what? Why would we be training under Dan? We’ve always had Gus as our coach.

  “Dan? Where’s Gus?” I ask with a confused expression.

  My nerves start to get the best of me. I’m not the best person to deal with change, I like my routine. There’s no reason to adjust my training, it’s fine how it’s been.